Sunday, July 17, 2011

kacia update!

Hello campers! Heres some updates for the Kacia promotion!

Remember our pageant beauties?(: Here they are dressed to the nines and decked out in, what else? Kacia sponsored accessories!

XOXO, me

Friday, July 15, 2011

an opportunity to help(:

HI CAMPERS, or ex-campers(: I hope you guys miss camp as much as I do! Just a little something here to inform you guys about, this piece of information can also be found on our camp facebook group ( and if you've not been added, go and ask your ogls/counsellors "WHYYYY??"

Do you guys remember the accessories the contestants used during the pageant on the last day of camp? Kacia (​KACIA/83655713329?sk=info) was our friendly sponsor for them!They are an online accessories blog selling all kinds of precious stones and pearl made accessories including bracelets, necklaces and so on. The accessories made by them are extremely versatile and can be worn in any way that suits YOUR style! In addition, they also offer classes that teaches the public how to make such accessories. They are also active supporters of the children cancer foundation, and in support, they have given all CAC campers a 1/2 price discount for such classes, so that after you have learnt, you too can volunteer with them to teach such children how to make accessories and add a bit of colour to their life!

Make it an OG outing, and share some love in the community! Make a difference in the lives of children who might not have much left on earth, and bring a smile to their faces!

Also, since the camp is over and all secrets are supposed to be revealed, i won't have to sign this post off as "me" anymore since my identity doesn't need to be shrouded in secrecy:D

for those who are interested, the one whos been writing all these blog posts(unless otherwise signed off) in an attempt to make the camp sound shrouded in secrecy (i have no idea if i've succeeded) is me, eunice:D not the treasurer but the pub head in case you guys are confused by the two eunices. i think we work well together tho. One calls to chase you to join camp and the other calls to chase you to pay up:D

XOXO, eunice

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mystery Night: The Truth Revealed by The President

The camp committee going into the mystery night room for the last time. An epic session worth LISTENING to.

So CAC Camp 2011 XOXO has come to a close. But one mystery remains unknown. Who killed me?

The story is complicated. It's even absurd. But the clues were there. Here's what happened.

The characters

1) Wen Qin. The CAC President.
aka The president, Wen Qing, WQ, many more

The one and only year 1 president of the 14 constituent clubs. Attached to Hanwei, who is also in the CAC Camp Committee.

2) Hanwei. CAC Camp Committee Programmes Team member
aka HW, WH, and all sorts of other weird names you people gave her

Girlfriend of Wen Qin. Best friend of Adeline. Probably the only girl thinner and shorter than Wen Qin around here.

3) Jia Jian. CAC Publicity Director. Camp Programmes Team member
aka JJ, the gay guy

Best friend of Wen Qin. Childhood friend of Adeline. Known each other for years.

4) Adeline. CAC Camp Committee Programmes Team member
aka The Doll

Best friend of Hanwei. Childhood friend of Jia Jian. Extremely protective of Hanwei. Manipulative.

5) Eunice. CAC Assistant Honorary Financial Secretary. Camp Treasurer.
aka The Black Eye Liner

Secret admirer of Wen Qin. Good with money.

The Story.

On 5th July, Tuesday, Eunice sent out an anonymous love letter in the morning to Wen Qin but it was intercepted by Hanwei. Hanwei confronted Wen Qin and a fight ensued.

Adeline knew of the situation and made Jia Jian, the person whom Wen Qin trusts the most, to kill Wen Qin. In the afternoon, Jia Jian spoke to Wen Qin on Windows Live Messenger and convinced him to meet him at his house later on. Wen Qin asked the purpose and Jia Jian refused to reveal why. Nonetheless Wen Qin agreed to meet him.

The minute Wen Qin entered his house, Jia Jian used a beer bottle to hit Wen Qin on the head. However Wen Qin did not die. Jia Jian was unable to deal the finishing blow and thus Adeline strangled Wen Qin to death. The other characters do not know how Wen Qin died. Soon after Wen Qin passed away, every character turned crazy.

The investigators at CAC Camp were informed and requested to find out what happened. They were required to enter 2 rooms. One with clues and one with the suspects. In order to get information out of the suspects, one would need to be persistent and ask the right questions.

The Verdict

Only 2 OGs got even slightly close to the truth. They were the only ones who guessed that Adeline was the mastermind. No one else even thought that way. Most people assumed Jia Jian was the murderer because

1) He's a guy. Only he's capable of murder (like, what?!)
2) He has feelings for Hanwei and thus killed me as I was not loyal to Hanwei. (I didn't even have anything to do with the secret admirer yet, the story is really far fetched)
3) He's gay and likes me (and I don't even have any idea why that would cause him to kill me).

I was also really really amused how most of you thought that the beer bottle was used to strangle me. Beer bottle can be used for strangling? Nobody questioned why the clues said that I died twice too. How can anyone die twice?

Also if you had asked the suspects properly, they would have given you the answer. Most of you didn't ask the correct questions or didn't ask it in the correct way or gave up too easily.

I hoped you people had a fun time. The programmes team worked really really hard on this. I had a great time reading your stories. Even though I knew you guys wrote all the "Wen Qin is hot!" and "Everyone in the camp is in love with Wen Qin" just so that you will get points from me, I still found it funny. The story was a bit weird but not impossible. It would have been more interesting if we made Jia Jian my boyfriend. That said, Jia Jian is NOT gay, and, I am single (JJ is single too). I would love to send a open letter of proper camp ending to you all but I have to go for reservist next week. I'll try to send it while I'm there. Meanwhile, I'd love to answer any of your questions regarding school life or CAC special projects, sub clubs, and management committee. Do email me at or add me on Facebook and private message me there.

Until the next time I see you, take care.

PS. Please do not call me president the next time we see each other. Please call me by my name.


Wen Qin
9th Management Committee
NUS Students' Cultural Activities Club

From left. Adeline (the doll). Jasmine (she sat at the turn of the corner while stroking a doll). Eunice (the black linear). Vanessa (she's probably the one who chased you in the tunnel).

Furthest back row
From left back row
Qing Wen (Vice Project Director), Ian (Chief Councillor), George (he was the one who kept shouting in the clues room, main guy behind Mystery night), Yu Tse (part of the Mystery night team, contributed much to the story line and clues). Ruo Ping (Ex Vice President of CAC)
From left middle row
Felicia (Project Director), Jasmine (main in charge of Finale night), Adeline, Eunice (the other Eunice, Publicity Head, she probably called you to join the camp), Vanessa (programmes team, helped out a lot with Finale night), Judy (part of the Publicity team, helped out with programmes a lot)
From left front row
Jia Jian. Wen Qin.

Joo Siong (overall programmes IC. he's the main culprit why your camp was so fun)

Friday, July 1, 2011

to add on...

Hello camper!
Heres some additional information, more items (THAT ARE IMPORTANT AND CRITICAL) to the packing list: $5-10 gift for secret pal, black permanent marker and 2 semi-formal (a.k.a presentable) attire. This is ON TOP of the earlier list featured in the blog!

*does a barbarella wave* TANKS EVRIBUDDY, TANKS!

XOXO, me

three more days!

Dear Camper-to-be!
I've got the latest update for you guys! Your OGLs aka the people who will be responsible (sort of) for your happiness come 4-7th of JULY will be contacting you really very soon!
I happen to know that they're all really nice people and they can't wait for the camp to get started!
Three more days, COUNT DOWN WITH ME:D

you heard it here first!

XOXO, me

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

not to be missed

Dear Campers,
It's less than a week to camp and I'm sure all of you are counting down the days till the fun! Some of you have been asking about the packing list, and I'm so proud of myself for being able to procure that for you guys:D The nice CAC people have been dropping me hints and I just 'borrowed' this list of paper from them:

Also, if you have not gotten your indemnity forms and swimming declaration forms, please go to and download them now!

Looking forward to seeing everybody soon!

XOXO, me

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Count down!

Dear Camper-to-be,
There are three kinds of people in the world. At least, among those who read this blog.
Firstly, there are those who have already signed up for the camp and are eagerly anticipating it's arrival. CONGRATULATIONS! You are on your way to making new friends, playing wacky games and immersing into student life. Not to mention the prizes that are up for grabs.

Secondly, there are those who are still thinking about signing up for the camp. CONGRATULATIONS TOO! Because you are one step closer to becoming a camper! To help you make your decision without giving too much of the program away, here are a few things you can look forward to: Introductory lessons to different dance styles, Beach games, Running Man, Mystery Night, and many more! Theres an exciting program linedup for you and I wish I could tell you everything but that would just spoil your fun! SO DON'T HESITATE. Sign up today!

Thirdly, theres a group of you who think that CAC camp isn't for people like you. But somehow you like reading our blog (thank you very much, by the way). Let me share with you, I thought CAC wasn't for me either, because I thought cultural activities was Boring with a capital B. But I gave it a shot. And let me tell you, a good mantra to have is "give it a shot". Because you never know that it's not for you till you try it. Maybe you're a sports person, or a quiet person and the performing arts doesn't seem like your 'type'. Who knows? Maybe you'll uncover your hidden talents, or even if you don't, I'm sure you'll have fun in the process and you can be proud of yourself for stepping out of your comfort zone:D

Looking forward to seeing the 5000 readers the counter says this blog has.

You heard it here first.
XOXO, me

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The President Shares

Every year, CAC organise one of the few Cross Faculty Camps in NUS prior to freshies' matriculation. In NUS, we all learn to be independent with our academic excellence and personal growth. More often than not, university's culture is so drastically different from what one would experience before in their lives that adapting to NUS may take some time and effort. Hence, your seniors dedicate themselves to holding a social camp for you to make you feel welcome, to make you feel at home with us at NUS. There is much to learn and one of the easier ways to grab onto the fast train of NUS life is to make new friends and learn from your seniors.

CAC Social Camp is different from your normal faculty camps in that ours is a cross faculty one. You will meet fellow freshmen and seniors from different disciplines with different experiences. You will know more people and learn about cultures and module knowledge beyond your own faculty, an essential part of your NUS life. In NUS, cross discipline academia is emphasised and it is always good to know people from FASS, Engineering, Science, Computing and so on. Networking too has never been more important in this day and age.

There are many paths you can take in NUS. You can focus on your academia and shun a social life and possibilities of multi disciplinary growth. Or, you can take charge of your life, your learning, your social circle and your growth. It takes just one step to venture into the unknown. With us at CAC, you will not only know new friends or gain knowledge about surviving university life. You will realise that you will open up, and explore many possibilities beyond this camp and its participants.

I hope to see you there. Keep an open mind, juniors.

P.S. do drop me a mail or message (get my number from my committee) if you have any questions. I'll be more than glad to help you.

W_ _ Q_ _
Cultural Activities Club
9th Management Committee

Friday, June 24, 2011

a little tidbit

Hello friends! I'm so excited I simply can't hold it in! Camp is in about 11 days and here I was thinking: "those CAC people are sure to keep their cards closer to themselves, i won't be able to find anything to tell my readers!" But I guess some committee members are just as careless as ever.
I was walking out of the CAC clubroom when this phone caught my eye: HTC WILDFIRE S! The phone I've always wanted to get. So being the little busy body i am, I picked up to test it's functions:D
see, such a beauty isn't it?:D
Anyway, I flipped the unlock button and guess what I saw?!?!?! Nah, words won't do it justice. Read it for yourself!
exciting, no? I'm eagerly anticipating the mystery night whatever that is, and to see all the counselors in action too!
On another note, my insider whispered to me that the subclubs like jazz and salsa are all ready and jazzed up (pardon the pun) to impart their skills and show off their talents! Hasta La Vista!
It all sounds so exciting! So don't wait! Click the link by the side to let the committee know of your interest and intents today!

you heard it from me first!

XOXO, me

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Top 10 reasons to why you should join Camp XOXO!

Dear all,

11 days to meeting you guys! (:

for all those still undecided,
here's a top ten list of why you should join our camp!

10. Meet freshmen from the different faculties in NUS! You won't be lonely when taking modules from other faculties!

9. Get advice from seniors on academics such as cap-friendly modules!

8. Play secret pals and find a good friend!

7. Exclusive performances by our CAC groups, specially for our camp!

6. Introductory dance courses conducted by professionals coaching the various dance groups under the CAC.

5. Yummy catered buffet dinner on one of the nights!

4. Sentosa day!!!

3. For korean fans, we will be playing running man from the korean variety show!

2. Accommodation in raffles hall, get a good rest with proper beds!

1. Exciting prizes waiting to be grabbed, including HTC phones, mp3 players and butterfactory passes!

more reasons to join too! but just the top 10 to be listed (:
if you're sold, sign up now!

also, check out our faq page or post on our tagboard if you have questions (:

XOXO, me

Monday, June 13, 2011

Great Singapore Sale!

It's June and in Singapore we all know that it's the GREAT SINGAPORE SALE! With that in mind, I hear rumours that the upper honchos of the CAC camp have decided to extend the early bird registration to help you save as much money as possible! Aren't they such sweet people??

The early bird registration will close on 17th June, so please sign up as soon as possible! We can't wait to meet you(:
XOXO, me

Sunday, June 12, 2011

last few minutes to the end of early bird period!
hurry up ask your friends to register by 12 midnight!

XOXO, __n___n

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

faster than you can say...

The most AMAZING thing has just happened to yours truly!! While snooping around for the latest piece of gossip for YOU guys to sink your teeth into, my informant passed me a crumpled and soggy piece of paper. Talk about EWWWW. Not wanting to get caught, i dashed to my secret lair and tried not to get my hands dirty. Was it worth it? I'll let you be the judge:D Because this was what was on the piece of paper:

Dear Diary,
I just had the most awesome day! The sun, the sea, the sand, the friends added up to so much fun! I just KNOW that the freshies are gonna enjoy their camp as much as I enjoyed the day at Sentosa, in spite of being dunked in seawater:S Things are looking good; we've had most of our sponsors replied us! I know that the campers are gonna have an awesome time with loads of goodies in store. Sure makes me wish I could be a camper again.
Yours Only,
_e_ _c_ _

And thats where it got interesting! probably due to the seawater, the person's name was smudged! I could barely make out two letters from the name. But no matter. Leave it in my hands and I'll figure out who the diary entry belongs to faster than you can say "RUMOUR HAS IT".

Got you excited? Well, sign up today! All of us here at camp XOXO can't wait to meet you guys!

you heard it here first!
XOXO, me

Thursday, June 2, 2011

fun in the sun!

We took a little trip to the beach to get a sneak peak at what you guys are in for!
our lips are sealed so all we'll say is:
It’s SUPER(califragilisticexpialidocious)!

And here's something more,
presenting your camp committee directors!

look at their happy smiles! ;)

lastly, a reminder that early bird offer ends on 12th June so gather your friends and sign up now!

XOXO, me

Monday, May 23, 2011

school's out! registration OPEN!

hello everyone!

it's been a really long while since i updated this place, well, you gotta wait for good stuff!

Registration for freshies are OPEN!
proceed to this page to get a place right now!
Early Bird Specials ends 12th June, so do hurry up as places are filling fast!
first come, first serve (:
you won't want to miss our camp!

if you are running the Sundown Marathon, do keep a lookout for the volunteers!
some of them would be your OGLs and Councillors-to-be at Camp XOXO! They will be cheering you on, providing you with first aid, giving you drinks, and whatever not, just to be there for you, just like how they will be as OGLs and Councillors during the camp.

what enthusiastic and fun seniors we have with us!
so do register early to avoid disappointment!

XOXO, me

Monday, March 28, 2011

heres what landed on my doorstep

Hello lovely people who have been faithfully visiting this blog(: Yes yes, it's been really long since I've updated here with a bit of gossip, but I promise that this will be a HUGE post with lots and lots of goodies for you! I can't believe it's already been TWO WHOLE WEEKS since NUS open house! And what a wonderful time we had too, meeting new people and playing tic-tac-toe! For those of you who missed it [aww:(] here are some snapshots of the event! For those of you who were there, try spotting yourselves in one of these pictures! Let me know on the tagboard if you do, that would be pretty cool!

Heres our booth! theme of the day: heart-shaped balloons!

our team making new friends, spreading the love!

People on a mission...

more new friends! This time, even those out in the hot sun.

Cute little boy playing tic-tac-toe with one from the gossip team!

And there you have it, folks! What an awesome party we had, don't you agree? Well, if you missed that, don't worry! I pride myself on bringing you the absolute LATEST about campXOXO, and this just flew in. My man on the inside tells me it's in code though, and if it is, it sure does need some cracking!

And all my decoding devices tell me that the answer is....
" if koi+madeincandy=happy person, then I must be sure to head down to NUS CAC CAMP XOXO's booth at the central forum from the 29th of March to the 1st of April!"
And i don't think they're in the least bit wrong!
So, if you're in the vincinity, come on down and grab a cup or a packet of sweets to go!
At just $3.50, you know you want them(:
More information can be found here!
so come on down, and make yourself happy(:

So, if you are the fun-loving senior we are looking for,

Don't say you didn't hear it here first!
XOXO, me

Saturday, March 12, 2011

open house day one!

And so the tiring first day of Open House has ended! Tiring yes, but lots of FUN TOO! I've also heard that this site is going to be on the receiving end of a whole lot of information, and delicious pictures too! So stay tuned! We'll be back for you really really soon!

You heard it here first!
XOXO, me

Friday, March 4, 2011

it's only the beginning

Having been away from school [and by that, I'm referring to the government structured school system] for quite sometime, i was pleasantly surprised to hear that today was the release of the A LEVEL RESULTS!!!
I'm guessing this must be how some of you felt before the exams, and some of you maybe even after. For those who did well, CONGRATULATIONS! But don't forget that that piece of paper isn't everything in life. Feel proud of yourself that you conquered that hurdle, and look for the next one to climb. For those who didn't do as well, CHEER UP! Because similarly how far you go in life doesn't depend on that single piece of paper, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and look for the next mountain to conquer, all the while telling yourself: "I CAN DO THIS".

Hey what do you know? Maybe the queen bee of gossip has her deep poignant moments too:D

But most importantly of all...
So be sure not to miss us! Because whether you did well or you did badly, we want you ALL:D
Come and take a look at our booth, play our tic-tac-toe game, win a few prizes, and sign up for our camp too!!
Can't wait to see you guys there, I'm so excited!

You heard it here first!
XOXO, me

Friday, February 25, 2011

guess who, don't shoot!

Let's all work hard
to conquer our fears
when we think we're falling
we're actually climbing, climbing on...


NEWSFLASH: Guess who, don't shoot!
My lovelies, you guys deserve more insider scoop than I've been doling out! So prick your ears open and pay close attention! The powers that be have told my man on the inside that this is one guy to watch out for! Yesssir, you can't see his face but try making a guess! He's got important information, this one! It would certaintly do you good to figure out who he is! I know I'm dying to find out!

Yepp, and thats all the rumour hill has got to deliver today! Keep with the studying dears, and don't give up! We're behind you all the way!

Remember, You Heard It Here First!
XOXO, me

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

love is in the air


don't you guys think that one day is simply too short to show the ones you love how much you care about them? February is the month of loveee!!

On other matters, our OGL recruitment is STILL ongoing! call your friends, your loved ones, anyone you meet to sign up now!

Also, we will be setting up booths during Cultural week, which is on the MARCH2nd to the March 3rd! SO COME ON DOWN AND SEE US AT THE CENTRAL FORUM!

you heard it here first!

XOXO, me

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

just a little note

Hello my Darlings, it's me again! Just a wee update for you guys, yes specially for you all! All those interested to be OGLs/HouseHeads/Councillors the dateline for you to submit your form is
17th APRIL 2011!
Yes, you heard me right! Sign up today! Also, my spies on the inside have told me to watch out for the XOXO camp booth at the NUS Open House from the 12th to the 13th of MARCH! More details soon, I'm dying to find out more, aren't you? And look to the side, it's a new...
If you have questions/inquiries/comments/want to tell me that I am beautiful[who I am is a secret though...but that doesn't matter you can tell me that anyway:D] Just leave a message!

You heard it here first!
XOXO, me

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

word on the street

HELLO, ALL! it's me again, your best friend and bearer of good tidings, or just the latest juiciest gossip! and the word on the street today is...that OGL/House Heads/Counsellor registration is now open!!! How cool is that? You get to schmoose with the best in this house, have an immense load of fun, and take heart knowing that you're giving back to the NUS community!

Remember the time when you were a {sad} little freshman [not too long ago for most of us] and some kindly/vivacious/noisy/enthusiastic/welcoming/friendly/crazy senior helped you adjust to life in NUS? Or just made YOUR orientation camp a little more comfortable?
Now, you can be that kindly/vivacious/noisy/enthusiastic/welcoming/friendly/crazy senior to help the incoming freshmen!

Anyone, and everyone is welcomed to join NUS CAC camp XOXO and be part of this gigantic rumour family! Don't wait, JOIN US NOW!

you heard it here first!
XOXO, me

Monday, January 31, 2011

a little bird told me...


our man on the inside has a juicy juicy secret to tell! and it's ALL about her, the lady in the picture! this place is abuzz on exactly who the lady is. Some say shes a mythical creature, an imaginary friend, and others say shes the hottest news in town! Stick around with me, and I'll pry out more information from our man on the inside, even if it does cost a pretty penny!

you heard it hear first!
XOXO, me

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

rumour has it...

...that a showdown of epic proportions is set to take the NUS stage by storm really really soon! In fact, if rumours are to be believed, it will take place from the
mark those dates in your calendars, because it is promising to be a spectacular affair you surely won't want to miss! in fact you can sign up now, HERE !

You heard it here first!
XOXO, me